About Us
Friends of Tower House (FOTH) is a group of parents working together to fundraise and forge closer links between home and school. We do this mainly through organising social events and raising money for the added extras that enrich school life for the children. We organise a wide range of events and raise money for the ‘nice-to-haves’, which can be anything from traditional musical instruments to the latest technology. Over many years we’ve brought together parents, staff and friends, helping to foster a close-knit community with Tower House at its heart.
It’s not all fund-raising, however. Our Christmas Fair, for example, is a fun afternoon with an overall goal of giving the children a good time and thanking families for their continued support of FOTH.
Our aim as a group is to organise a busy calendar of events and enjoy getting to know our fellow parents. Individually, we bring skills that range from finance, catering, marketing, graphic design, event organising, and decorating to wreath-making. If you have a skill or interest you’d like to contribute, we’d be delighted to hear from you.
FOTH is led by a two Co-Chairs and a Treasurer. Representatives from each year group (who change every year) work together with this team, meeting at least twice a term.
Events are a really enjoyable way for fellow THS parents and staff to spend time together. We have been very fortunate over the years to have hosted some fantastic events, such as the wonderful 1920s Night, a brilliant Game Show evening and most recently, a terrific Quiz Night in the outstanding new Evans Hall. While we’re lucky to raise very helpful funds at these events, our priorities are also to create fun events for the boys and their families, and to give parents a chance to socialise together.
Annual events also include the Senior School Movie Night and Junior School Disco and the Christmas Fair and Summer BBQ.
Our Team
Imogen Hill and Annie Shulman (Year 4 parents)
Liz Savage - THS Accounts department
We often raise money for items that have been specifically requested by THS teachers and the Senior Leadership Team. Examples over the years we've been able to provide have included:
Indoor table tennis tables
Branded gazebos
KIT car for the boys to build
Digital camera for drama department
State-of-the-art kiln
Mega-sized building block for Reception
Outdoor table tennis and football tables
Sports equiment
Musical instruments
We also contribute to the school play each year.
Our second-hand uniform sale is extremely popular and usually takes place twice a term. For details, please contact foth@thsboys.org.uk.
We always welcome new fundraising suggestions. You can contact us with ideas or questions at foth@thsboys.org.uk or in person!