What we do and why we do it
How FOTH Helps
Friends of Tower House (FOTH) is a group of parents working together to fundraise and forge closer links between home and school. We do this mainly through organising social events and raising money for the added extras that enrich school life for the children. Over many years we’ve brought together parents, staff and friends, helping to foster a close-knit community with Tower House at its heart.

Where FOTH money goes
Thanks to the generosity of FOTH parents and our supporters, we’ve recently purchased:
A Goblin Kit Car. What better way to create an interest in engineering from an early age. Read more.
Playground Sports Equipment. See below.
State of the art digital equipment for the drama department.

More recent purchases
2 Outdoor Football Tables
3 sets of Playground Cricket Sets
...to help the boys relax during a well earned break time!
As per the principles of the school rules and the parent contract, we expect parents and carers to show courtesy at all times in their dealings with all members of School staff, to maintain a constructive relationship by acting reasonably and ensuring the tone, content, and nature of communications are reasonable and appropriate